Santa Muerte Rosary: 7 Beautiful Designs for Devotees

Santa Muerte rosary

Santa Muerte Rosary, also known as Our Lady of the Holy Death or the Bony Lady, is a folk saint venerated primarily in Mexico and the Mexican-American diaspora. She is often depicted as a skeletal figure, sometimes wearing a long robe and holding a scythe or a globe, representing her dominion over death. While not officially recognized by the Catholic Church, her cult has gained significant popularity, particularly among marginalized communities seeking solace, protection, and guidance in the afterlife.

Setting Your Prayer Intention

Before beginning your prayers with the Santa Muerte rosary, it is essential to set your intention. This intention serves as a guiding light, helping you focus your prayers and connect with the spiritual energy of Santa Muerte. You might pray for protection, healing, or guidance in navigating life’s challenges. Whatever your intention may be, hold it firmly in your mind and heart as you begin your rosary prayers.

Praying for Santa Muerte’s Help

As you hold your prayer beads, invoke Santa Muerte’s presence and ask for her assistance. You can say something like, “Beloved Santa Muerte, I call upon your guidance and protection. Please lend me your power and wisdom as I navigate through this life and prepare for the journey to the afterlife.”

Rosary Prayers

The Santa Muerte rosary follows a similar structure to the traditional Catholic rosary, with some modifications to honor the unique nature of this folk saint. Here are the steps to pray the Santa Muerte rosary:

Creating an Altar

Many devotees of Santa Muerte create a dedicated altar in their homes to honor and connect with her. This altar typically includes an image or statue of Santa Muerte, candles, flowers, and offerings that hold significance for the devotee. The altar serves as a focal point for your prayers and rituals, strengthening your spiritual connection with Santa Muerte.

Sign of the Cross

Begin your rosary by making the sign of the cross, saying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Then pray the creed:

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; on the third day, He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

Our Father

Pray the Our Father on the next bead.The Next three beads are prayed as such: 

Santisima Muerte Prayer

Most Holy Death, to whom we pray for your eternal protection, grant us the wisdom to live righteously, the courage to face adversity, and the strength to overcome all obstacles. Guide us through the journey of life, and when our time on earth is done, embrace us in your bony arms and lead us to eternal rest. Amen.

Glory Be

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Our Father

Pray the Our Father on the next bead.

The Five Decades and Mysteries

The Santa Muerte rosary consists of five decades, each representing a mystery or aspect of Santa Muerte’s power and influence. For each decade, pray the following:

  • One Our Father
  • Ten Santisima Muerte Prayers (replacing the traditional Hail Marys)
  • One Glory Be
  • One Our Father

The five mysteries you can meditate on during each decade are:

  1. The Mystery of Protection: Pray for Santa Muerte’s protection and guidance in all aspects of your life.
  2. The Mystery of Healing: Ask for Santa Muerte’s healing powers to mend physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments.
  3. The Mystery of Guidance: Seek Santa Muerte’s wisdom and counsel as you navigate through life’s challenges.
  4. The Mystery of the Afterlife: Contemplate the journey to the afterlife and Santa Muerte’s role in guiding souls to their eternal rest.
  5. The Mystery of Forgiveness: Pray for Santa Muerte’s mercy and forgiveness, acknowledging your mistakes and seeking absolution.

Closing Prayer

After completing the five decades, you can offer a closing prayer to Santa Muerte, expressing your gratitude and reaffirming your devotion. You might say something like, “Beloved Santa Muerte, thank you for your guidance, protection, and presence in my life. I am forever grateful for your blessings and the comfort you bring. May I continue to walk in your light and find solace in your embrace. Amen.”


Praying the Santa Muerte rosary is a powerful way to connect with this mystical folk saint and seek her guidance and protection. By setting your intention, creating a sacred space, and following the traditional rosary structure, you can strengthen your spiritual bond with Santa Muerte and find solace in her comforting presence. Remember, your devotion and the sincerity of your prayers are what truly matter, not the perfection of the ritual.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

 What are the rules of the Santa Muerte?

The Santa Muerte cult has a few basic rules that devotees should follow:

  1. Show respect and devotion to Santa Muerte through prayers, offerings, and the creation of altars.
  2. Abstain from harming others or engaging in violent acts, as Santa Muerte does not condone cruelty or violence.
  3. Maintain a clean and pure heart, free from negative emotions like envy, greed, and hatred.
  4. Offer gifts and offerings to Santa Muerte, such as candles, flowers, or items that hold personal significance.
  5. Pray regularly and maintain a strong spiritual connection with Santa Muerte.

Is Santa Muerte part of Catholic?

No, Santa Muerte is not officially recognized or sanctioned by the Catholic Church. She is considered a folk saint, venerated primarily by Mexican and Mexican-American communities. While her devotees may incorporate some Catholic elements into their rituals, such as the use of rosary beads and prayers, the Catholic Church does not endorse or approve of the worship of Santa Muerte.

What are the beliefs of Santa Muerte?

The beliefs surrounding Santa Muerte are rooted in Mexican folk traditions and the veneration of death as a natural part of life’s cycle. Devotees believe that Santa Muerte has dominion over death and can offer protection, guidance, and solace to those who pray to her. She is seen as a powerful intercessor, capable of granting favors, healing, and guidance in navigating the challenges of life and the journey to the afterlife.

What does Santa Muerte love?

According to her devotees, Santa Muerte loves and accepts all who come to her with a pure heart and sincere devotion. She is often viewed as a protector of the marginalized, the poor, and those who have been rejected by society. Santa Muerte is believed to love those who show her respect, make offerings, and maintain a strong spiritual connection with her.

What are the 7 powers of Santa Muerte?

The seven powers attributed to Santa Muerte are:

  1. Power to Heal
  2. Power to Destroy
  3. Power to Conquer
  4. Power to Punish
  5. Power to Protect
  6. Power to Rule
  7. Power to Provide

These powers are believed to encompass various aspects of life, death, and the afterlife, making Santa Muerte a powerful and versatile figure in the eyes of her devotees.

Is the Grim Reaper good or bad?

In most Western folklore and mythology, the Grim Reaper is often portrayed as a neutral or ambivalent figure, neither inherently good nor bad. The Grim Reaper is typically seen as a personification of death itself, responsible for guiding souls to the afterlife. While death can be viewed as a negative or fearful concept, the Grim Reaper is not necessarily considered an evil or malicious entity.

Is A Grim Reaper a God?

No, the Grim Reaper is not considered a god in most traditions. The Grim Reaper is usually depicted as a personification of death, a symbolic figure representing the inevitability of mortality. While the Grim Reaper may possess supernatural powers related to death and the afterlife, it is not typically worshipped or revered as a deity.

Is the Grim Reaper A Angel?

No, the Grim Reaper is not considered an angel in traditional folklore. Angels are generally seen as benevolent spiritual beings associated with heaven and divine guidance. In contrast, the Grim Reaper is often portrayed as a more neutral figure, responsible for guiding souls to the afterlife but not necessarily associated with heaven or angelic qualities.

How evil is the Grim Reaper?

The Grim Reaper is not inherently evil in most folklore and mythology. While the concept of death can be seen as negative or frightening, the Grim Reaper is typically portrayed as a neutral or ambivalent figure, simply carrying out the natural process of escorting souls to the afterlife. The Grim Reaper is not usually depicted as a malicious or evil entity, but rather as a symbolic representation of mortality.

Who is the god of Grim Reaper?

There is no specific god associated with the Grim Reaper in Western folklore and mythology. The Grim Reaper is often seen as a personification of death itself, rather than a deity or a figure associated with a particular god or pantheon. The Grim Reaper is a symbolic representation of mortality, not a divine being or a member of a religious pantheon.

What’s the opposite of the Grim Reaper?

The opposite or counterpart of the Grim Reaper, representing death and mortality, would be a figure or concept associated with life, birth, and renewal. In various mythologies and religious traditions, figures like the Mother Goddess, fertility deities, or personifications of nature and the Earth are often seen as representing the cycle of life, growth, and regeneration. These life-affirming figures can be considered the opposite of the Grim Reaper’s association with death and the afterlife.

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